Colette Harrell Literary Events 2024

Go to Eventbrite to get your FREE Ticket to the event. We just want to count you in the number!
Your Best Practices Author Toolbox


Colette R. Harrell. She is the weaver of authentic stories that make the heart cry and laugh with the warmth of her rich characters. She pens fiction with a moral compass because part of living happily ever after is being better than before.

The Art of Crafting Your Story


Meet renowned author Victoria Christopher Murray. Her literary works have not only graced the NY Times Best Seller list but have also been adapted into five captivating movies.

How to Build Your Author Brand


Meet Cyrus Webb, Writers Brunch’s Media Partner.  Top Amazon Influencer, Media Personality and Publicist. Your ticket is your entry to an interview on his show. 

Elevating Your Nonfiction Writing

Sandra Hemphill

Author, Visibility Consultant, Nonfiction Authors Association
Grant Funding Your Writing Career

Stephanie Bridges

Amazon Best Selling Author, Publisher, Book Coach
Writing Your Book is The Easy Part

Manswell T. Peterson

Best Selling Author, Co Host of Authors Den


Event Info

Saturday Event: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm (Doors Open 9:15 am). Event Cost $125.00 (Early Bird $99.00 thru March 2024). Parking off-street.
Ticket purchase is below, click the button Reserve Your Spot.

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Brunch with a Southern Flair
Shrimp and Grits, Waffles and Fried Chicken, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Croissants, Fried Potatoes (bell pepper and onions), Fruit, and Sparkling Cider Mimosas. 

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Reserve A Spot

Join us for a day filled with literary insights, social media exposure, and more techniques to your toolkit. You are guaranteed to build your literary prowess. There are 50 seats available for this brunch and working session event. Book Now!


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Join us for an unparalleled learning experience with the industry’s best.