
Turning Corners . . . Again

I wrote this some time ago, and found it again while going through some of my writings. I’m not trying to be lazy or anything by recycling it, but someone has a need to hear it again. I feel that heaviness in my spirit for someone else, so that’s why I need to reach out by putting this on rewind. I am not there any more, but if God hadn’t rescued me, I could have been. I’ve turned the corner. Take a peek back with me so you can come forward too.

Here I sat, pondering, having a Jennifer Hudson moment. You know the song—“Where you at?” Yeah, that was me sending out a spiritual SOS. And I wasn’t trying to locate some man. No, my thoughts were aimed at a much-higher level. Where you at, Lord? You said you would be here for me. Where you at? But, in the midst of all this access drama, a still small voice commanded my attention, directed me to be still, and then sealed the deal with leading me to my word. He took me to Proverbs 3:5–6. Yes, you know the scripture. We quote it, but we don’t always hold on to it. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy path.” I’m in a season of turning corners, y’all. I got a feeling some of you are turning corners too. I was told by the Man of God that when you turn, you lean (those of you who have ridden a motorcycle know this is true); you’re off balance. I’ve lost my balance, y’all, slipped and bumped my head, but the greatness in God won’t leave me there. Won’t leave me to my own wisdom (which can be faulty), my own direction (which can malfunction), even my own pity party (which no one RSVP’d). Am I being transparent enough can you see me?

So . . . if I am losing my balance, it’s God who makes every crooked road straight. I just need to lean into Him. So . . . I come to my desktop PC, ’cause one of my lamentations is my laptop burned out three days ago, and I’m loading some music so I can do some serious leaning. I need Him to minister to my soul. And, I’m directed to check my e-mail, and I read today’s Word while I’m preparing my music. Man!!! Won’t He help you? I begin to cry (Yea, Detroit got a tear or two to shed sometimes) because even when I can’t trace Him, He can trace me!!! Just like that, His Word has me—moving forward . . . all it takes is . . . well—Him. He is the way out of no way. Even in a dry place He’ll provide living water to refresh you. So, just keep trusting Him, just keep speaking life over yourself and every situation . . . keep turning corners. Seal Him in your heart through every tribulation, betrayal, rejection, pain, or fear. I am praying for us all, and I trust and believe that we’re all headed for a straight road.